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We now pronounce… Mums to be included in the official register of marriages.

At present, only the Fathers of the Bride and Groom are permitted to have their details included on marriage certificates.

However, following a reform which has taken seven years to be legislated, Mothers will finally have their details included too.

The change to marriage registration comes into place on 4th May 2021 for couples marrying in England and Wales.

Marriage is a time for celebration and joy. It is, therefore, very unlikely that making a new will is at the top of the list of ‘To Dos’ once you have said your ‘I Dos’!

However, it is important for couples to note that, if they have made a will prior to their wedding, unless the will was made ‘in contemplation’, it is automatically revoked upon marriage/civil partnership.

If you would like more information about making wills in contemplation of marriage/civil partnership or would like to make Mirrored Wills with your spouse/civil partner, please do not hesitate to contact our Wills and Probate Solicitor, Emma Blakesley, today.