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What to expect at your first meeting with a solicitor

Making the decision to seek legal advice can seem daunting and for some, it can be the moment they realise their relationship has ended. This article looks at what you can expect from an initial meeting and how to prepare.

Is there anything I need to do before the meeting?

Most firms will ask you to make payment for your appointment in advance so make sure you are aware of the fee and know how to pay. You might also be asked to fill out some initial forms with your contact information to assist in opening a file.

It is important when providing contact details that you are sure those communication avenues are confidential and cannot be accessed by anyone else. In particular, watch out for email accounts which are synced to other devices. It is always advisable to set up a new email address if you are unsure. At E J Coombs, we use a secure email system which requires a log in for added security.

What shall I bring?

It can be useful to bring any previous court orders or agreements as the solicitor can then review these with you. Initial appointments are usually limited to an hour so be careful not to bring lots of documents as in the early stages, it may not all be relevant.

Some clients bring a short timeline to help set out the key dates in their case such as the date of marriage, births and the purchases of properties. It can also be helpful to make brief notes of the questions you have or what you are seeking. It can be overwhelming attending a first meeting so brief notes act as a reminder of the queries you have.

Do I need to write down what the solicitor says?

Probably not, but it’s your choice. Most firms will provide you with a letter or note of advice to summarise your appointment. At E J Coombs, we also provide you with factsheets so you can read more about the options available to you.

Is there anything in particular I should ask the solicitor?

Think about what you want to achieve from the appointment and note those queries. If you are looking for initial advice, you may want the solicitor to set out your options. If you are set on making a court application, you will likely have questions about the process.

It is always advisable to ask about costs as many firms will ask for some fees to be paid in advance. At E J Coombs, we aim to provide you with a broad estimate which can be more tailored depending on your circumstances. We will also explain how our invoicing process works so there are no surprises.

What happens afterwards?

Initial appointments are usually free of any obligations so if you have the information you need, you can either move forward on your own or instruct the solicitor. We often recommend taking a few days to consider the note of advice and factsheets we provide so you can properly consider your options. We are always happy to take as much off your plate as we can or simply assist as and when you need us to.

I’m ready to book in

Initial appointments at E J Coombs are a fixed-fee so there are no hidden costs. You can book an appointment with one of our family law specialists by calling, emailing or using our online booking system, all of which are linked below.
We have a strong belief in having a good working relationship with our clients and pride ourselves on our attention to detail. We understand how scary it can be having to seek legal advice so we are here to provide guidance and assurance.