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Life after divorce – what do I do?

Going through a divorce is a challenging and often emotionally taxing experience. When you come to the end of the process, you may feel relived at the prospect of a fresh start, but also confused as to next steps. In this article, we aim to offer some advice about life post-divorce and steps you can take to ensure a smooth transition into the next phase of your life.

Changing your name

You may have taken your spouse’s name when you married and it is common for many to want to revert back to their birth name. To do so, you will usually need to provide:
• your original marriage certificate;
• your original birth certificate;
• a signed statement declaring you are reverting back to your birth name; and
• your final divorce order (previously called a decree absolute)
The cost will vary depending on the documents you are changing. For example, a new passport is usually less than £100 and currently, there is no cost to change a name of a driving license.

If you want to use a new name entirely, you can do so by way of a deed poll or a change of name deed. Deed poll applications are usually made via the UK Deed Poll Office whereas change of name deeds can be drafted by solicitors.

At E J Coombs, we can assist in drafting the change of name deed which is a relatively simply document, confirming your previous and new name. We can then certify copies for you to send to the relevant agencies.

If you are keeping your married name but would prefer to be known as ‘Ms’ not ‘Mrs’ you do not need to complete a formal name change. You can simply use your preferred title.

Changing your name is a very personal decision, so it is important to take the time you need to consider your options.

Updating or making a Will

If you already have a Will, your divorce will not revoke it or render it invalid. Instead, for inheritance purposes, your ex-spouse is treated as if they ‘died’ at the time of divorce. This can have a huge impact on your estate so it is imperative to amend your Will once divorced. Generally speaking, it is good to update your Will after any important life events like marriage, divorce or the birth of children.

If you do not have a Will, we strongly recommend you make one to ensure your loved ones are provided for as you wish and our specialist Wills solicitor can assist you to do so.

Financial planning

For many, a divorce can mean you are now navigating financial independence. It may be that you are now solely responsible for a mortgage and household bills or you have received a large lump sum. You could benefit from speaking with an independent financial advisor if there are various assets to consider or simply creating a budget for yourself.

If you held any joint accounts with your ex-spouse ensure they are closed, if this is what has been agreed, and check if any credit cards or store cards are still in joint names.

If you have a life insurance policy, make sure the beneficiaries are correct and updated. If you have any death in service benefits it is also important to make sure those beneficiaries are correct too.

In general, you should spend some time updating any relevant agencies about your marital status, even down to somewhat simple arrangements like emergency contacts.

Child arrangements

If you haven’t already made arrangements for child contact then post-divorce could be the time to start planning. Your living arrangements may have now changed so agreeing a clear routine for the children is in their best interests. You could use a parenting app to set out dates and times or have a more informal arrangement if that works best for your family.


Divorces are not easy and transitioning from marriage into independence can be hard and sometimes lonely. If you are in need of additional support then consider speaking with a counsellor or even confiding in friends and family.

Future relationships

You may intend to or have already entered into a new relationship after your divorce. It can be advisable to seek advice if you are looking to cohabit or remarry to ensure your financial position is protected and our team at E J Coombs can assist with both cohabitation agreements and pre-nuptial agreements.

How we can help

Whether you want to change your name, need advice about child arrangements or need general advice about a new relationship, our team at E J Coombs can help. Contact us today for more details.