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A Conversation with a Family Solicitor – Georgia Burrell

At E J Coombs, we pride ourselves on client care. We believe it is incredibly important that our clients have a good working relationship with their solicitor so they feel comfortable discussing often personal and sensitive matters. It is also important to find a solicitor that is the right fit for you.

To help get to know our team better, we spoke to each member of staff about how they entered the world of family law and their top tips. This week we spoke to Georgia, a family solicitor based in our Danbury Office.

Why did you choose a career in family law?

“I grew up in a family of solicitors so I feel as though it was my destiny! I had always wanted to be a criminal solicitor but as soon as I started working in family law, I knew it was the path for me.”

What does a typical day look like for you?

“I am usually preparing for upcoming hearings, meeting new and existing clients and more generally dealing with correspondence from other solicitors, clients and experts. Two days are rarely the same!”

What advice would you offer someone going through a divorce?

“Take your time. People underestimate how difficult the breakdown of a marriage can be and the time you need to think about your options. You also need to put yourself first and try not to be influenced by the opinion of others.

All too often I meet people who talk about what happened to friends and family who divorced and whilst it can help to have the support of others who have been through the process, everyone’s circumstances are unique to them.”

What is your top family law tip?

“Do not Google answers to your questions! Solicitors exist for a reason. We are here to give you advice on your personal, individual and unique circumstances. Even our own blogs are designed to give general guidance, not case specific advice. It is all to easy to be sucked into internet advice but it should be taken with a pinch of salt.”

What do you enjoy most about your job?

“Although it sounds cliché, I like helping people. I meet clients at often the hardest points of their lives but I also get to see them emerge into a new era of their life at the other end. It fills me with pride to know I have supported and guided people towards their happy futures.”

What have clients said about you in the past?

“I am proud to say most clients comment on my ‘human approach’. I have never seen the benefit of being an aggressive or contentious solicitor. I simply want to the best outcome for each and every one of my clients. I want to know what is important to them and how I can help them feel seen and heard.”

If you want to learn more about Georgia, visit her profile here or read her blog posts here.

If you are dealing with a family law issue or simply need some guidance, book an appointment with Georgia today using the links below.